Detroit Police Officers Going To Town On A Guy Who Ran A Stop Sign Is The Most Absurd Police Violence Video


Mic – In what might be the worst case of police brutality ever caught on tape, newly released video footage appears to show police officers dragging Floyd Dent, a 57-year-old black man, out of his car, putting him into a chokehold, striking him 16 times in the head and tasering him while he was held down on the ground and being handcuffed.

The arrest occurred on Jan. 28 in Inkster, Michigan, but the footage was only just released Wednesday

The incident: Police reports indicate [57-year-old Floyd] Dent was pulled over for a traffic violation — the footage appears to show him running a stop sign — according to The video then shows Dent opening the door of his Cadillac as two officers approach the car, guns drawn, before quickly pulling him out of the car and shoving him violently to the ground.

Dent was then put into a chokehold and beaten 16 times on his head, according to the police report, as the second officer attempted to handcuff him behind his back. Several more officers arrived on the scene, at which point Dent was struck with a stun gun three times.

The Detroit Free Press notes police say Dent opened his car door and looked at the officers with the “blank stare as if on a form of narcotic” and then said, “I’ll kill you.” Conversely, according to Dent, the police yelled, “Get out of the car! I’ll blow your head off!” There is no recorded audio available to confirm or deny either claim.


I know the Barstool collective tends to fall on the side of police officers and honestly (maybe surprisingly) I do too, their lives are at risk more than people give them credit for and that’s not an easy place to put any human in. But when I was watching this video my jaw hit the floor because the beatdown was SO comically over the top that I was expecting Hulk Hogan to come out and spray paint nWo on the guy’s back then play some air guitar. Like you know there’s a fucking camera in your car that will inevitably lead to your career being in danger even if you’re 99% right so maybe exercise some judgment given the last year of dramatics in your field? I’m not saying we need to tickle potential criminals until they give in to arrest — though really how adorable would that be — but maybe don’t go at with that degree of gusto where you’re working a dude’s head like a speedbag while your buddies drop a People’s Elbow on him between tasings. Just so next level dumb I can’t stand it.


Hey Detroit you know who’d be smart enough to avoid headaches like this? The only real cop in the city that you can trust with your life:



If we’re not quite there with Robocop, I’d also settle for this guy:

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